비교할 만한 두 가지 형용사 (헷갈리는 형용사)
comparable 비슷한
comparative 비교의
Our products are of comparable quality to theirs.
The comparative method we used was helpful.
considerable 상당한
considerate 사려 깊은
They invested considerable resources in developing the prototype.
The new manager is a considerate person.
economic 경제의
economical 경제적인
This economic report is easy to read.
He is a economical person.
respectable 존경할 만한
respective 각각의 -> respectively 각각
respectful 정중한
I think Mr. John is respectable.
The models have respective features.
He is very respectful, so I love him.
sensible 분별 있는, 현명한
sensitive 민감한
The management took sensible measures to ensure that the fragile goods are treated with care.
Generally speaking, the cat is more sensitive than the human.
historic 역사적인
historical 역사의
This show will be a historic event!
I would like to watch historical dramas.
social 사회의, 사회와 관련된
sociable 사교성, 사회성이 있는
arguable 논쟁할 만한 -> 사물 형용
argumentative 논쟁하는 기질이 있는 -> 사람 형용
understanding 이해심이 많은 -> 사람 형용
understandable 이해할 만한 -> 사물 형용